Key Diagnoses and Differentials in the Wrist and Hand
Sunday, April 7, 2024
10:00am – 10:30am
Location: 408
The superficial anatomy of the hand and wrist allows for the generation of high definition diagnostic ultrasound images. Injury to the flexor or extensor tendons or their supporting structures can be easily evaluated, particularly with the addition of dynamic ultrasound techniques. Ultrasound is typically the first line imaging technique for evaluating for nerve abnormality, mass, or foreign body as well. Ultrasound plays a complementary role, along with radiographs, for evaluation of inflammatory or crystalline arthropathy.
Learning Objectives:
Recognize what the speaker considers to be the most impactful diagnoses of the wrist and hand that can be made with ultrasound.
Identify important ultrasound mimics and differential diagnoses of hand and wrist abnormalities to avoid misinterpretation of imaging findings.