Navigating Obstetric Challenges With Cord and Placental Abnormalities
The Bleeding Edge: Etiologies in the Late Preterm Period: Previa & Abruption Variations, Risk Factors & Presentation
Monday, April 8, 2024
11:00am – 11:30am
Location: Austin G - 6th Floor
Help! I am bleeding in the third trimester. This presentation will address common obstetric etiologies of third-trimester bleeding including placenta previa, placenta accreta spectrum, placental abruption, and vasa previa. Sonographic imaging tips to correctly diagnose these etiologies will be described. Non-obstetric causes of third-trimester vaginal bleeding will be reviewed.
This presentation is designed to meet the needs of medical professionals who care for patients in the third trimester of pregnancy and utilize ultrasound to assess potential etiologies for third-trimester vaginal bleeding. Additionally, in this presentation imaging tips to evaluate the placenta and placental vasculature will be reviewed, and a systematic approach to the evaluation of the placenta will be presented.