QTI Fellow, Principal Data Scientist
QT Imaging
Novato, United States
Dr. Wiskin, PhD (Mathematics U. Utah), MSc (math, statistics), B. Math (Waterloo), QTI Fellow, Principal Data Scientist, QT Imaging, is an author/co-author on 14 Patents, with several additional patents pending, and has over 100 peer reviewed papers, book chapters, and presentations, including the Zagzebski-Carson Distinguished Lecture in Medical ultrasound for AAPM 2023, anchor/invited talks at MUST (Medical ultrasound tomography) 2022, Gordon Research Conference 2022, IEEE International Ultrasound Symposium (2019) and ISBI (2018) and Acoustical Society of America International 177th meeting (2019) and serves on the SPIE (Life member) Medical Imaging Ultrasound Tomography Conf. Committee and the IEEE (senior member) International Ultrasound Symposium Medical Ultrasound Committee. Co-founder of TechniScan, the winner of the 2005 Stoel-Rives Innovation Award for Medical Devices and shared “Utah Best of State” Science and Technology: Medical Innovation, which was then acquired by QT Imaging in 2012. He was PI of the NCI R01 5 yr. grant resulting in the FDA clearance for the first transmission ultrasound tomography scanner for breast and is PI of additional 5 yr NCI grant ongoing. He is leading orthopedic/whole-body research, quantitative breast imaging research, and Image analysis.
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3D ultrasound tomographic osteoporosis imaging via Biot wave theory
Sunday, April 7, 2024
2:54pm – 3:06pm
Hand Held Ultrasound Is Not Optimal as the Standard of Care for Assessment of Dense Breasts
Monday, April 8, 2024
9:50am – 10:15am
What's holding industry back? Advances in breast imaging
Monday, April 8, 2024
4:30pm – 4:55pm
Machine Learning for image denoising in 3D ultrasound tomography
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
11:34am – 11:41am