Assistant Professor
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, United States
Jingfei Liu, PhD, is an Assistant Professor and the director of Biomedical Acoustics Research Lab at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. Dr. Liu has a multidisciplinary background in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering. His lab’s research is focused on medical ultrasound imaging, focused ultrasound therapy, medical instrumentation, and biomechanics. The ongoing imaging research of the lab includes (i) developing surface acoustic wave elastography and guided wave elastography for imaging tissues that the conventional shear wave-based method cannot interrogate and (ii) developing acoustic techniques of capturing body-generated sound for health monitoring. His lab’s therapeutic research focuses on applying focused ultrasound to regulate metabolic processes and enhance cancer immunotherapy. His lab is also working on developing ultrasound image-guided therapeutic array transducers for small animal studies.
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