Medical Student
University of South Florida
Palm City, United States
Brian Villa is a second year medical student at the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine in Tampa FL. During his very brief time in the medical field, he has taken a stong liking to point of care ultrasound and ultrasound in medical education. He is the leader of the Ultrasound Interest Group at his institution and has been included in converstations regarding ulrasound curriculum. He has implemented scanning at the student run free clinic and is the leader of SonoSmackdownFL state-wide ultrasound competition thrown by medical students for medical students. Being in the infancy of his medical career, he prioritzies listening and learning as much as he can, soaking it all in. He enjoys abdominal and thoracic ultrasound and his favorite view (as an avid fisherman) is the parasternal short axis 'fish mouth' view.
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