Chief Technology Officer
Clarius Mobile Health
Vancouver, Canada
With a passion for technology in the medical device and healthcare space, Kris Dickie currently serves as the Chief Technology Officer at Clarius Mobile Health, a company that he was a founding member of since 2014. With a background in software development, and graduating from the Computer Systems Technology program at the BCIT, Kris has shown to be one for creating novel approaches to solve difficult problems by means of algorithm development and novel approaches to using AI in healthcare. Holding true to his roots, Kris also currently serves as a program advisor to the Biomedical Engineering Department at BCIT, helping to bring insights from industry so department leaders can help optimize course and education outcomes for students enrolled in the program. Mr. Dickie has had an illustrious career, with over 40 patents issued to his name as a lead or co-inventor, and many more undergoing the review process. Throughout his career, Kris has not only focused on the internal development of his products, but also has a passion for working closely with partner companies wanting to make use the novel technologies, including helping to enable the world’s first disposable trans-esophageal ultrasound imaging device for cardiac monitoring in patients within intensive care units. As an esteemed leader in the ultrasound technology space, Mr. Dickie has been invited to speak at numerous events both within Canada, such as the CMBEC, as well as outside of Canada, including the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine and the Ultrasonics chapter within the IEEE professional association. More recently, a career highlight has included being featured at the keynote speech at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), where AMD’s highly respected CEO Lisa Su presented Clarius Mobile Health’s ultrasound technology, and how it has been impacting healthcare in rural and remote areas.
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Ultrasound Beyond Radiology: New tools for non-traditional uses
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
2:00pm – 3:30pm