Ultrasound in Neuroscience: Sensing, Imaging, Modulation, and/or Therapy
Breaking the Barriers: Transforming the molecular diagnosis of brain diseases through ultrasound
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
9:50am – 10:15am
Location: 400-402
Ultrasound technology has evolved far beyond its commonly known application in pregnancy scans. Today, ultrasound serves as a potent medical tool, capable of penetrating the human skull to target specific areas in the brain with unparalleled precision—down to the millimeter—all without requiring any incisions. This talk will introduce "sonobiopsy," an innovative technique using focused ultrasound. This approach safely opens the blood-brain barrier, allowing for the release of critical biomarkers like DNA, RNA, and proteins from the brain into the bloodstream. This technique is setting the stage for developing highly sensitive blood tests that can diagnose neurological diseases without the need for high-risk, invasive procedures.